I, Universe audiobook in production. Start listening now!

i-universe-audioRather than wait until I’ve narrated all 120,000 words (faint!), I’m going to release the audiobook, chapter by chapter, as quickly as I can record it, likely at a rate of one or two chapters per week. There are thirty-three in total.

Initially, the audiobook will be a Patreon exclusive product, as a series of MP3 files which can be played from the site or downloaded to your portable device. Making a pledge of as little as $1 per month will give you access to everything: https://www.patreon.com/darrylsloan

The book’s introduction and first chapter are publicly available, no strings attached, to give everyone a taster. Chapter two is ready and waiting for patrons, and I’ll be uploading chapter three later today.

In a few months, when the work is done, I will look into other forms of distribution, such as the popular Audible service. But why wait?

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